Monday, October 6, 2008

McKinley's sleep patterns

Okay, so I will be honest, McKinley has been sleeping in bed with me almost since birth. It was mostly out of necessity so I could get as much sleep as possible. Those of you that have more than one child understand this. (Those of you that only have 1 child probably think I'm a terrible mother.) Anyway, last week she started waking up 6 times between midnight and 6am to be fed and then between 5-6am and would squirm and wiggle and not go back to sleep, so I decided that it was time for her to move out of my bed. On Thursday night, Laynee was having a hard night, so I decided to feed McKinley and lay her down in the pac-n-play in the office. She SCREAMED for awhile, but I felt like I needed to spend some time with Laynee. After a fairly long time, McKinley finally went to sleep. (When I went in to feed her sometime around 2am, she had a poopy diaper and I thought, "I wonder if that's what she was screaming about..") So we survived that night of screaming it out. Since that night she hasn't fussed for more than a few minutes and then has gone to sleep. So last night, I was carrying her around and realized that she was acting a bit tired, so I went in and layed her down. She looked up at me and smiled. I said good night and turned off the light and shut the door. There wasn't even a fuss. She slept from 8pm to 4am, I fed her and then she slept til 6am, I fed her and she slept til 8am. I can totally live with this schedule!


Elizabeth said...

congrats! that's a big step!

The Heldreth Family said...

Janna - I fear those sleepless nights are just around the corner for me! At least McKinley worked it out herself - what a relief for you!

birdeeb said...

Crying it out TOTALLY works! That 20 min rule is amazing! Nice work!! I remember when I first did it with my 1st...I was standing at the door at 18 minutes and just dying on the last 2 min...but sure enough 20 min & he was out. Been great going to bed ever since...except now that he is getting older he gets up to go pee...he gets up to mess with his sister...he gets up & plays...yeah it's a battle & I hope it gets easier!! ;o)

April 2009